Thursday, May 10, 2012

#marriage #obama #samesex Love is not sex, and having sex is not marriage!

Get the Book! From the Introduction to my book ABSOLUTE LOVE  Published by Westbow Press.

"Love is not sentimentality, not weak capitulation to others, not passive acceptance of all things, and certainly not sexual intercourse. Love is humility, belief, trust, acceptance, confidence, gratitude, compassion, freedom, stewardship, servanthood, loyalty, purity, justice, rest, and determination. Love is the overflowing character of the only absolute in the universe. It flows throughout the One who is love and establishes everything.
Humility is the characteristic of believing that gives us the ability to admit our needs, weaknesses, and limitations so that we can submit to the power of God in our life and receive our strength from Him and through others. It is not powerlessness; it knows where the power comes from. Humility is the beginning of faith that love works in us as we look outside of ourselves to I AM. Humility involves being able to give to others but also to receive from others as we keep our eyes fixed on I AM and thereby become more like Him in love. The key characteristic of humility is mercifulness. The loss of humility brings about rebelliousness.
Belief is an overwhelming sense of hope based on understanding of past actions and in the fulfillment of future promises that gives encouragement so that we can be enthusiastic and self-stretching, in order that we might grow through developing (God-given) potential. The key characteristic of belief is hopefulness. The loss of belief brings about despair.
Trust is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to be open and share who we are and what we have been given so that we can be catalysts in the development of openness and candor in others. The key characteristic of trust is openness. The loss of trust brings about suspiciousness.
Acceptance is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to forgive ourselves and others so that healing and understanding can take place. The key characteristic of acceptance is forgiveness. The loss of acceptance brings about a judgmental nature.
 Confidence is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us assurance of our being accepted and gives us the ability to look past self-promotion to the promotion of others so that their confidence is built up. The key characteristic of confidence is assuredness or certainty. The loss of confidence brings about inconsistency.
Gratitude is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to look at all good things as gifts from God and causes us to give in return so the gifts can be shared by all. The key characteristic of gratitude is thankfulness. The loss of gratitude brings about an expecting nature: ungratefulness.
Compassion is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to be gracious (giving undeserved favor) and merciful (not demanding retribution) so that we might live in a way that will be most beneficial to ourselves and others and glorify God. The key characteristic of compassion is graciousness. The loss of compassion brings about degradation, the using of others.
Freedom is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to set aside personal desires and postpone pleasure (i.e., physical and emotional gratification), in order that we are liberated to find complete satisfaction in God and be separated from enslaving entanglements. The key characteristic of freedom is purposefulness. The loss of freedom brings about insatiability, the inability to be satisfied.
Stewardship is the characteristic of believing that gives us the ability to be inter-connected with each other in a truly loving manner. We do not lose any integral parts of ourselves or disintegrate into another person, yet we value and need each other’s gifts and uniqueness for the full use and completion of our own giftedness. The key characteristic of stewardship is carefulness. The loss of stewardship brings about codependence, an inability to be helpful.
Servanthood is the characteristic of believing that gives us the ability to worship in everything that we do by looking to God to fill us and overflow through us into the lives of others for thoughtful attentiveness to God’s desires for them. The key characteristic of servanthood is submissiveness or interdependence. The loss of servanthood brings about an uncaring attitude, inattentiveness.
Loyalty is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to remain true or faithful to I AM, ourselves, and others so that we are not pushed or led along by demands other than God’s. The key characteristic of loyalty is faithfulness. The loss of loyalty brings about inconsistency.
Purity is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to be unmixed in our allegiance toward God so that we won’t be driven by any other purpose than to love, glorify, and enjoy God to the ultimate benefit, enjoyment, and fulfillment of ourselves and others. The key characteristic of purity is objectiveness (integrity, congruence). The loss of purity brings about confusion.
Justice is the characteristic outgrowth of believing that gives us the ability to act rightly on behalf of God so that despots (those who want to control, oppress, and use others for personal gain) are not allowed to triumph and the defenseless are defended. The key characteristic of justice is righteousness. The loss of justice brings about either apathy or being overbearing (despotism).
Rest is the characteristic of believing that gives us the ability to see past obstacles to our own well-being and the well-being of others so that we can peacefully work to overcome those obstacles and overthrow those who are setting them up. The key characteristic of rest is peacefulness. The loss of rest brings about anxiety, panic.
Determination is the characteristic of believing that gives us the ability to persist until that which has been started is completed. The key characteristic of determination is steadfastness, completion. The loss of determination brings about an inability to follow through, indecision."

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