Saturday, October 8, 2011

Absolute Love has a purpose to cultivate loving relationships. Absolute Love overflows as a never ending fountain overflows. As a richly cultivated garden continually produces a bounty of produce.

I have been hearing the word everywhere this week- cultivate- cultivation- cultivating. I know it is fall in Iowa and the harvest is in full swing. This is not the context of those words though, it has been in things that I am reading in multiple references and has me contemplating a verse I have thought on and meditated on many times. Genesis 2:15
Have you ever wondered why God put you on earth, what is God's intent for me?

I will put Genesis 2:15 in my own translation from the Hebrew, because I think most of the translations do not get the intent that is implied in the words.

"Then I AM (YHWH) the three in one God (Elohim, the One God-Plural in Form) took the man and placed him in a garden of rejoicing (eden or adan) to cultivate a relationship of celebration and worship (serve, worship, cultivate, work) there and to look after him there (keep, take care of)."

The newer translations all say something like the man was put there to work and keep the garden. I don't believe this fits. Some of the older translations say cultivate and take care of but still refering to the garden. Literally the Hebrew says simply "to serve" or "to worship" and  "to keep" or "take care of). The literal meaning of garden is hedge or protective barrier. The root word of eden or adan is joy, delight, or rejoicing.

There was no curse as of yet. Thorns and sweat were not pronounced as belonging to the experience of man until the fall. The man needed no protective clothing or protection from other men. Death had not entered yet. The purpose was the relationship with I AM. They walked together in the cool of the morning. The only thing missing was another relationship, a way to multiply this sense of overflowing love from and with I AM. A Helper to magnify the sense of worship and care felt in knowing and walking with Absolute Love was the only thing added. This was next on the agenda of overflowing love. The force of cultivation of love would be magnified with the two together. Magnified and multiplied.

Absolute Love has created you for such a relationship.

To cultivate is to prepare for producing abundance or develop for the intended use. Jesus, Yeshua, Isa He is the end, the completion of the preparation.

1Jn 3:1-3 "See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure."

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