Sunday, July 1, 2012

"Can we not then say that the hindrance to loving other people, whether through the pastoral ministry or any other avenue of life, is the same as the hindrance to worship we discovered in chapter 3? The obstacle that keeps us from obeying the first (vertical) commandment is the same obstacle that keeps us from obeying the second (horizontal) commandment. It is not that we are all trying to please ourselves, but that we are all far too easily pleased. We do not believe Jesus when He says there is more blessedness, more joy, more lasting pleasure in a life devoted to helping others than there is in a life devoted to our material comfort. And therefore, the very longing for contentment that ought to drive us to simplicity of life and labors of love contents itself instead with the broken cisterns of prosperity and comfort. The message that needs to be shouted from the houses of high finance is this: Secular man, you are not nearly hedonistic enough!"

Piper, John (2011-01-18). Desiring God, Revised Edition: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (pp. 128-129). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition.

Blogs to return July 9th

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